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funeral guidance during COVID-19

Because of Covid-19 arranging a funeral right now can be a difficult and confusing task. Please contact your funeral director for guidance with your arrangements to help figure out the best way to safely honor your loved one.

Below is some information for you, your family, and friends to keep safe when organizing and attending a funeral.

1. Choose an area with a lower community transmission risk.

2. Consider inviting close friends and family only, to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

3. Keep your distance to others to at least 6 feet.

4. Wear a mask to lower the risk of spreading especially if social distancing is unavoidable.

5. Reduce the number of people singing at the service to avoid respiratory spreading of the virus.

6. Take extra precautions for people that have pre-existing health conditions or that are older.

7. For people who cannot attend, facilitate remote participation through live-streaming.

8. Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.

9. Avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

10. Share transport with the same people up and back from the funeral.

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